Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Body is Nobody's Palette

At first it was everything from ivory to ebony
Untainted against all the lights and shadows life gave me
Until he came and brought the key
Everything was done in the name of love
But what is love, really?

Then it was red
Blood reminded me that at least I was still alive
It was red like roses
Unless there was nothing beautiful about it
It was red like stop lights
But back then I wasn’t aware of the danger
It was red like fire engines
Unless there was nothing brave in this
It was red
Because I was everything but brave

Then it turned green
My skin was a forest
My eyes waterfalls
The more I cry
The more my wound multiply
With pandemic damp moss spread all over me
The sanity in me shrinks

The green became purple
I decorated the ones on my sleeves with pearls
And adorned those under my eyes with shimmers
I have mastered the art of covering what you have damaged
Your sharp exclamation marks tattooed beneath my skin
Apology kisses staining around my lips
As for the painful grip—how tight is right?
Every morning I washed myself
But the bruises and your traces remain
It was my worth that drained

Scars do not heal
They just turn much more subtle
Go much more deeper
You shouldn’t cling into the past, he said
If you don’t forgive me you’re a monster, he said
I shuddered as I smiled
If I’m a monster,
Then what does that make you?
But wounds do not speak
They just fade

Before everything went black
I was afraid to close my eyes
For when the world was silent
My mind became the loudest
The wildest
The angriest
The saddest
Because I was helpless

It was like a screen shutting down
An episode finally ended
Excruciatingly longer than what was planned
My life is what happened behind the curtain
I carry the shame with me
The ruins I got from him
The stigma that lasts
The cracks from my past
But I am whole
Glad that my hands could eventually reach out
Grateful for the hearts that reach me in

Now it’s orange
A sun rising
A sun setting
It will rise again tomorrow—first thing in the morning
I know that the sun holds better things
And when I can finally love again one day
I will love like there’s no yesterday
Now it’s orange
Orange of truth
Orange of optimism
Orange of warmth
Orange of courage
Now it’s orange
And I’m not afraid of colors anymore

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